Sunday, September 10, 2006


Charles Dickens Walk

On the 22nd June, the Aussies made the quarter finals of World Cup soccer. And so 3 rather drunk Aussies woke up to hangovers on the 23rd. We decided to celebrate by taking in a Charles Dickens London walk.

Our host was Jean, a sprightly little lady from up Oxford way. She met the walkers dressed in her Dickensian costume and led ua off through the Inns of Court and Lincoln’s Fields.

I find it fascinating to walk the same streets as old Londoners did pre the days of motor cars. Of course, much of London was destroyed during the Blitz and replaced with concrete monstrosities. Still, the history flows all around you with these informative guides.

Our tour took us past the Olde Curiosity Shoppe, through Holborne Square, and finished at a bust statue of good old Charlie.

We toddled off to Leicester Square and to Covent Garden for a look around and enjoyed some fantastic street performances. It is so easy to find yourself entertained here. I loved the way the street performer parked his unicycle.

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