Sunday, September 10, 2006


Ian and Carolyn arrive

The last part of June heralded the arrival of my Aunt Carolyn and Unca Ian to our humble abode. They had been traveling through Italy and Greece and france and were having a rest with us prior to heading “Up North”.

I copied Ian’s pictures to my laptop to give him a backup of his CDs. Then, as all travelers do, there was the obligatory review of all the photos. I must say, Ian does a good job with the camera. My PC screen still has Ian’s finger marks all over it where he would point out “What I was trying to capture here was the effect of the yellow honey bee spiffing the flowers . . “ and “What I was trying to capture here was the two dogs arguing over the maggoty bone . . “ etc.

It was truly great to see them and they brought Aussie flags with them for the World Cup which we duly hung out the window to snub at the thousands of English flags adorning cars, trucks, windows and almost some people’s orifices.

My enduring memory of Carolyn is when we walked her to the Skim for a meal. “Where are you taking us?” You’ve got us lost. Ian – he’s got us lost!” and “I will tell your mother!”

That night we took in the Ecuador v England game so that we could experience the smoky English world cup soccer scene. I must say, I have to stop cheering for the underdogs!

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